**June 2022** Welcome to the June edition of our newsletter! We have a bumper edition of the newsletter this month, including lots of Club News from a...
**April 2022** Welcome to the April edition of our newsletter! I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the Club Presidents, committees and ...
**March 2022** Welcome to our March Newsletter! Whilst there is much to celebrate this month with the welcoming back of international tourists and the...
**February 2022** Welcome to our February Newsletter! After almost two years, Australia will finally reopen its international borders and welcome back...
**January 2022** Welcome to our January Newsletter! A very Happy New Year to you all! May 2022 bring new happiness, new goals, new inspirations, new a...
**December 2021** Welcome to our December Newsletter! We are hoping for most of our Skålleagues, domestic travel restrictions that have kept us separa...
**November 2021** Welcome to our November Newsletter! It's time to dust off those passports! Finally, some freedom! With vaccination rates high and da...
**August 2021** Welcome to our August Newsletter! 2021 continues to be a remarkably difficult year for the travel and tourism industry and the past mo...
**July 2021** Welcome to our July Newsletter! The 2nd of July marked the halfway point of 2021. The world has been in pandemic mode for a year and a h...